HEE: Careers Engagement Hubs
What is it?
The purpose of these hubs is to promote health career and employment opportunities within the health economy which is both sensitive to local priorities but also helps contributes to and strengthens current career engagement developments and capacity supported by NHS organisations and the wider health economy. The objectives for the hubs include:
To forge and accelerate effective partnerships to engage with schools, other education providers and community network groups in promoting the full range of healthcare careers and employment opportunities, seeking to attract a wide range of talent and embedding this type of activity as core to organisation community commitment.
Why do it?
Share best practice in relation to career engagement between the organisations within the health economy and build upon any current activity which is already demonstrating impact but can extend its reach and value.
Increase and efficiently manage work experience opportunities within the health economy, leading to an increase in work experience provision from their current baseline.
Not applicable
How to take forward:
Health Education England Contact Details:
Email: HENW.transformation@nhs.net
Phone: 0161 6257366
Last Updated: May 2019