Manchester Metropolitan University and The University of Salford: Skills and Competency Framework
What is it?
Manchester Metropolitan University
Competencies are the skills, knowledge, practical behaviours and attitudes which inform the way of operating in working life. At Manchester Metropolitan University, we offer flexible programmes which support staff to develop a range of competencies and skills across the career spectrum. Our education programmes, awards and CPD offered across the Faculty of Health, Psychology and Social care provide students with skill based learning, placement and work based learning opportunities to equip them for a professional career in the workplace.
University of Salford
The University of Salford has flexible programmes, innovative pedagogy and world class facilities to support staff develop their health and social care career. Programmes articulate skills developed alongside knowledge at module level. Professional Skills and Competency are mapped against PSRB standards so professionals are able to see how their learning meets national benchmarks. Learning and teaching is often skills based and practical and placement experience and / or work based learning feature in every programme.
Why do it?
Manchester Metropolitan University
Skill and competency frameworks support both individuals and the employer as they enable clarity over both the role and the performance required by the individual. A skills and competency based approach will ensure a high quality of service is consistently maintained and will encourage excellence for all.
University of Salford
Real world learning and teaching experiences better equip professionals for the workplace. Skills from Nursing associate /assistant practitioner to advanced practice can be gained through engagement with programmes at Salford.
Manchester Metropolitan University
Programme costs vary and can be credit or non-credit bearing. For further information on individual costs visit or contact us via the link below to discuss a tailored qualification or programme of CPD and we will be pleased to assist.
University of Salford
Programme costs and CPD vary depending on level, duration, method of delivery and can be credit or non credit bearing.
How to take forward:
Manchester Metropolitan University
Please visit the faculty page relating to Health, Psychology and Social Care or phone +44 (0)161 247 3607
University of Salford
Updated: October 2019